Medicine section CPT chapter notes medical coding exam tips
Page by pages watermarked color viewable notes for you to transfer into your own CPT book. Best viewed on a device.
Pls note the out of code sequence page numbers will be different than current year books.
Medication 2022 CPT Section with fixed numerical sequence fix, bundles, tips, vocabulary, and clinical coding examples added. 5 full pdf downloads in this long section of close to 100 pages. I will have to manually email each an addition 6th section! This section is so large, it wont fit all on one listing!!
2023 CPT Pages 729, 743, 774, 627, 848, 807 codes for 2023. This way y'all don't have to wait for me to remake all of 2023 pages.
Please do NOT copy, RESALE or SHARE my pdfs. I put the work into these to help you out personally. I am happy to mentor for free, just email me or find me on messenger. Both links can be found on TikTok. Thank you, Jen
By far my best section as it was the last section I did. Learning also as I go with people I have been mentoring has made this section my most complete with all the ideas shared.
Please do NOT share or RESALE these. I put a lot of work into them for you so that these pages can help you pass your CPC exam for the Medication section of the exam. I also mentor for FREE, just find me on messenger under Jen Brewer with the same profile pic for help or with my LIVES on TikTok. Thank you, Jen
I have gathered exam information from my own personal success and others. I use my success and hiccups to make these notes as comprehensive per section as I can. Many students who have passed their exam recently share updates on the CPC exam in exchange for my help so I can pass these suggestions on to you by helping me make this pdf as complete as possible. The correction on the numerical sequencing issue alone will save you many, many tears on test day. This section has an abundance of out of sequence codes. I hope this will help others in their certification career.
You will receive 100+ pages with this download. FIVE downloads will be available immediately with purchase. I will email 6th manually so be sure to have a good email address here for me to use if you want the last 25 pages.
All pages will be watermarked for proprietary copyrights protection.
Because I scan the pages in color, the file sizes are large for Etsy. Please let me know if you have any questions or issues. I am always happy to help.
Please do not copy, resale, or share these files as I put a lot of work into mentoring, and providing this resource for those who need visual written out instruction is a lot of work. You do not need them and I can teach you how to do this on your own also. Come to my LIVES on TikTok. I am happy to help everyone FREE!
I currently mentor everyone on Discord app for FREE. This app is available for desktop or phone version. I have created wonderful rooms and a large study group that I volunteer in daily to help. Please find links to all my free advice at
I use my success and hiccups to make these notes as comprehensive per section as I can. Many students who have passed their exam recently share updates on the CPC exam in exchange for my help so I can pass these suggestions on to you by helping me make this pdf as complete as possible.
The correction on the numerical sequencing issue alone will save you many, many tears on test day. This section has an abundance of out of sequence codes. I hope this will help others in their certification career.
All pages will be watermarked for proprietary copyrights protection.
Because I scan the pages in color, the file sizes are large for Etsy. Please let me know if you have any questions or issues. I am always happy to help.
Please do not copy, resale, or share these files as I put a lot of work into mentoring and providing this resource for those who need visual written out instruction is a lot of work. You do not need them, and I can teach you how to do this on your own also. Come to my LIVES on TikTok. I am happy to help everyone FREE!
How do I download my PDFs? First is check your email you added to Etsy for the order. Also, looking for your PDFs directly on Etsy seems to be easier on a desktop version of Etsy. Here are some tips. First, check your spam or junk inbox. If you use Gmail, also check your Social and Promotions tabs. If it’s not there, adding to your address book or safe list can help you locate these emails in the future.
Please do not copy, resale, or share these files as I put a lot of work into mentoring and providing this resource for those who need visual written out instruction is a lot of work. You do not need them, and I can teach you how to do this on your own also. Come to my LIVES on TikTok. I am happy to help everyone FREE!
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How do I download my PDFs? First is check your email you added to Etsy for the order. Also, looking for your PDFs directly on Etsy seems to be easier on a desktop version of Etsy. Here are some tips. First, check your spam or junk inbox. If you use Gmail, also check your Social and Promotions tabs. If it’s not there, adding to your address book or safe list can help you locate these emails in the future.
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CPT® Copyright 2023 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
Copyright © 2023
DISCLAMER: This is written for educational purposes only. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness.
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